Procedure Text

Assalamualaikum guys....

Oke, now I want to tell you about Procedure text. That you know, this text is very simple and more easy to understand.
Procedure text is text that discribe how to make or how to do something. (Procedure teks adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang tata cara membuat atau cara melakukan sesuatu) for example, like : How to make cake, how to make fried rice, how to make toys car, or how to take good picture, e.t.c.

Usually in the procedure text, there are 3 generic structur (3 susunan umum) :
1. Goal/AIM = Maksud / Tujuan
2. Material needed/ ingredients = Bahan - bahab yang dibutuhkan
3. Methods/Steps = Metode/Langkah - langkah

So, if you want to look for the procedure text, you must know the generic structure. "jadi begini, jika kalian ingin mencari teks procedur, kalian harus tau generic structure.nya dulu. kalau sudah jelas di teks tersebut terdapat Goal = How to....., Material needed/ingredients, and Methods/steps, maka itu tak salah lagi kalau itu teks procedure.

Kesimpulannya "jika judul di dahului dengan How to make/How to do dan juga ada Material needed, dan steps/methods, maka itu Procedure text"

For example:
 How to make Rujak Buah

Ingredients :
1 cucumber, peeled
 papaya, 1 pineapple, and 1 apple cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 mango, peeled 
3 tablespoons peanuts, fry
chilies, salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon tamarind, dissolved in 1/2 cup water, strained

Steps : 
1. Mix all the fruit together.
2. Grind chilies, salt, and add the brown sugar.
3. Add dry roasted peanuts and grind completely.
4. Pour some tamarind liquid.
5. Mix the saus and fruits together.
6. Serve chilled.

Itulah contoh sederhananya, kalau mau contoh real masih banyak di youtube. kenapa procedure text lebih mirip dengan resep. Itu karena procedure text memang lebih cenderung dan lebih populer dengan bentuk resep. Sebenarnya bukan hanya resep yang dinamakan procedure text. Contoh lainnya, Cara menggunakan sabuk penganman yang benar, cara melukis, dan cara - cara yang lainnya.

Hi... what do you think about procedure text? Are you understand? see what I mean? Oke... this is lesson for Junior hight school, so if you want to learn more about the procedure text, you can ask to me in my twitter @bayu_uyub
Oke... see u gusy... thanks...
semoga bermanfaat. :D  

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